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Y.A. de Montjoye and A. Gadotti: “Moving beyond de-identification will allow us to find a balance between using data and preserving people’s privacy"
13 juin 2019
Y.A. de Montjoye and A. Gadotti: “Moving beyond de-identification will allow us to find a balance between using data and preserving people’s privacy"
Following their visit to our laboratory, LINC interviewed Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye and Andrea…
IP Report: Shaping Choices in the Digital World
16 avril 2019
IP Report: Shaping Choices in the Digital World
CNIL publishes its 6th Innovation and Foresight Report (Shaping Choices in the Digital World, From…
Ansgar Koene: “Young users are exposed to services built by adults with adult users in mind”
09 janvier 2019
Ansgar Koene: “Young users are exposed to services built by adults with adult users in mind”
Following his visit to our laboratory, LINC interviewed Ansgar Koene, Senior Research Fellow at the…
Canada, cannabis and the problem of transborder data flows in a globalized world
09 novembre 2018
Canada, cannabis and the problem of transborder data flows in a globalized world
Canada’s legalization of cannabis is giving rise to new data protection concerns: information about…
Juan Carlos Zuniga and Mathieu Cunche: “Privacy issues are still not systematically considered by all Standards Developing Organizations”
27 septembre 2018
Juan Carlos Zuniga and Mathieu Cunche: “Privacy issues are still not systematically considered by all Standards Developing Organizations”
In a world where an increasing number of objects embed communication functionalities, the stakes…
[CabAnon] Anonymity vs Usability, Another shot at Anonymizing the NYC taxi dataset
24 septembre 2018
[CabAnon] Anonymity vs Usability, Another shot at Anonymizing the NYC taxi dataset
Following the Cabanon project, we are republishing an article by Paul Francis, a researcher at the…
Privacy and ethical concerns in Learning Analytics
02 février 2018
Privacy and ethical concerns in Learning Analytics
Why should we remain alert to digitalization and new techniques in education?
[Cabanon] Can anonymised data still be useful?
09 novembre 2017
[Cabanon] Can anonymised data still be useful?
Does anonymisation make a dataset worthless? The datavisualisations of our use case scenarios show…
Bloc note
An Inria research project tries to uncover how websites can dig into your preferences online
24 août 2017
An Inria research project tries to uncover how websites can dig into your preferences online
Blockchain et RGPD, une union impossible ?
24 août 2017
Blockchain et RGPD, une union impossible ?
Alors que le règlement général sur la protection des données s’appliquera dans moins d’un an, la…
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