Launch of the CNIL-EHESS Award in Social Science
For the first time, following their partnership agreement, the CNIL and the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) will be awarding a award for the best submissions in social science submitted to Privacy Research Day.

The applications for the award will be open until March 31, 2025. Candidates can apply directly via the Privacy Research Day submission form. The winner will be awarded during the Privacy Research Day 2025 on July 1st, 2025.
What are the eligible works?
The award is intended to promote research in Social sciences on privacy and data protection and to raise awareness among citizens and decision-makers on those protection issues.
Submissions must:
- Be written in French or English,
- Offer original research results, a new typology or overview of existing literature, or highlight new methods and frameworks, particularly in favor of interdisciplinarity.
Examples of possible topics include (without limitation):
- Artificial intelligence: perceptions, regulation and personal data
- Users' rights (deletion, access, portability, etc.)
- Trajectory of data breach victims
- Public policies to protect privacy
- Social sciences for digital regulation
- Compliance inside and outside Europe Privacy and technology design
- Privacy, human rights and democracy
- Ethics of data collection
- Privacy and institutional trust
- Psychology of privacy
- Economics of privacy and data protection
- Surveillance and power dynamics
- History and evolution of privacy
- Identity, intimacy in the digital age
How can I participate?
Contributions should be submitted before March 31, 2025 midnight via the Privacy Research Day submission platform:
To get more information about the award please use the following email address: privacyresearchday[at]
The jury is made up of digital social scientists and co-organised by representatives of both institution: Mehdi Arfaoui (for the CNIL) and Jérôme Malois (for the EHESS).
Selection process
The Jury, composed of external experts, will evaluate the contributions and decide which contribution will be awared the price. The selection will be based only on the contribution and will be decided by June 1st. Only members of the Jury and the CNIL Privacy Research Day organizers will have access to the submitted contributions
The members of the jury are:
- Mehdi Arfaoui (CNIL/EHESS)
- Christelle Aubert-Hassouni (Paris School of Business)
- Céline Borelle (EHESS/SENSE-Orange Labs)
- Yann Bruna (Université Paris-Nanterre)
- Antoine Courmont (Université Gustave Eiffel)
- Gaël Depoorter (Avignon Université)
- Yann Ferguson (INRIA)
- Camille Girard-Chanudet (EHESS/CNAM)
- Francesca Musiani (CIS/CNRS)
- Cécile Méadel (Panthéon-Assas Université)
- Kevin Mellet (Sciences Po)
- Valérie Peugeot (Sciences Po)
- Julien Rossi (Université Paris 8)
- Camille Roth (EHESS/CNRS)
- Ido Sivan-Sevilla (University of Maryland)
- Luke Stark (FIMS/Werster University).
The contribution will be awarded and presented during CNIL's Privacy Research Day, on July 1st in Paris. It will also be published on CNIL's website along with the authors names.
The personal data that the candidates send to the Organisers of the Competition will be processed for the purpose of the organisation of the Competition. According to the General Data Protection Regulation and the French law Act 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberty amended, the Authors have a right to access, oppose, correct and delete any data about them. The data related to the non-awared papers will be deleted within three months after the event. |